solar panel being installed

A team of experts ready to help you.

With over a decade in the solar industry, we're one of the longest standing solar installation companies in each of our markets and we're not going anywhere (which can't be said about 90% of solar companies).


Our Numbers

Successful Installs
Team members
Years in business

We'll be around for years to come.

Most solar companies go out of business and leave customers stranded. That's the ugly truth about the solar industry. We're sure you have neighbors that have solar installed by a company that is no longer around. Don't worry, we've been around for a decade and we're not going anywhere. In our markets, we're known as the company that picks up the pieces of the failed solar companies and services their customers installations. We're a full solar installation and solar repair/service company ready to tackle your solar project.

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Our values.

1Solar stands on its core values in everything that we do.

Quality - Roofing X Webflow Template


Our installs have to be up to code and spec so that our customers have systems that will last them 25+ years.

Commitment - Roofing X Webflow Template


We are committed to you and your new life with solar. If you need any help during or after install, please reach out to us.

Team Work - Roofing X Webflow Template


Construction is built on teamwork. We do our best to work in sync from our permitting department to engineering all the way to install and net metering.

Innovation - Roofing X Webflow Template


We do our best to stay up to date with best installation practices and we want to use the best equipment in the industry. Our goal is to stay on the bleeding edge to give our customers the best product.

Leadership - Roofing X Webflow Template


With decades of leadership experience, our executive team knows how to lead this company and to provide the best service for our customers.

Ready to go solar?
Get a quote today.